Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

@музыка: Друзья - Ночью ты кричишь сильней

@темы: вспомнилось, Melancholic Trickster, Музыка



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

@темы: обожаю, movie



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

@музыка: Muse – Madness

@темы: повседневность, утро, типичная я



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

Я закончила его! Это такое облегчение, можно наконец-то вычеркнуть хоть один пункт из огромного списка задолженных работ. Всего то 2,5 месяца и мое эссе готово.

@темы: школа, типичная я

Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

Весь день просидела за уроками; безрезультатно. Моя абсолютная неспособность сосредоточится на чем то важном уже начинает пугать. Я даже список составила, длиннющий. И к концу дня я могу из него вычеркнуть только алгебру (тупо переписанную) и экономику (недоделанную). Замечательно! А когда я что то не успеваю у мня начинается паника и я вообще ничего не могу делать, и от этого расстраиваюсь еще больше. Кажется, я сегодня даже не ела. Не помню. Но чай, который я время от времени пила, по вкусу, как из вчерашнего дня.
О, кстати, насчет вчерашней поездки. Она была очень плодотворной, но напишу об этом в другой раз, когда не будет такого завала с учебой.
Пойду дальше заставлять себя трудиться и может сегодня добью, наконец, это долбанное эссе.

@музыка: Ceo – Birthday Sex (Jeremih Cover)

@темы: школа, повседневность, Procrastination



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

What’s making Tyler blush?

@темы: Teen Wolf, Tyler Hoechlin, Daniel Sharman, Linden Ashby



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

@темы: #perfect

Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.
Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

Last we left Scott (Tyler Posey), Stiles (Dylan O’Brien), Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) and the rest of MTV’s Teen Wolf crew, things were not looking so great. Scott and Allison (Crystal M. Reed) had broken up; Jackson (Colton Haynes) had turned from one supernatural being into another, and Derek’s pack was left alone in the woods, being circled by the unknown.

When Teen Wolf returns for its third season on Monday, June 3, four months have passed and the new school year is just starting. But while it is doing so without one conflict-filled character, a whole new pack of them are coming in. Beacon Hills will soon be home to a bunch of new Alphas, sure to stir the pot and raise the stakes even higher.

Celebuzz was on-set with the Teen Wolf cast to get the scoop on Season 3. Here are some highlights.

1.) Jackson may not be dead, but his absence still hits harder — some harder than others, for obvious reasons. “I personally think [Lydia] went through a breakdown because she’s no longer with her boyfriend and the love of her life,” Holland Roden said. “It’s a little bit of a certain… musically talented couple that like to break up and get back together a lot. Maybe he’s not the best for her, but it doesn’t matter because that’s who she loves. I think at the end of the day, whether it’s good or bad, it’s realistic. Jackson might not have treated her right at times, but I think he was the love of her life, and so she’s devastated.”

2.) Allison has vowed to get out of the werewolf-hunting business, but that’s easier said than done when new threats come to town, resulting in a kind of vigilante stance. “She figures out pretty quickly that they’re not kind, and they’re a threat. People are dying, and that’s quite alarming to her. Her need to protect her friends — because she has no family — overpowers the pact she has with her dad [to be out of the family business],” Reed said.

“She has to be off the radar. She’s kind of like the person you don’t see coming. Because she’s doing it so low-key, it’s kind of like ‘Oh, where did that arrow come from? Must be Allison!’”

3.) Both Scott and Stiles are focused on growing up and bettering themselves, not relationships.
“Scott is really trying to take care of himself,” Posey said. “He wants to feel good about himself, so to do that he really has to be proactive and responsible, and he’s in a great place, even [with] the break-up.”

“Towards the end of the second season, Scott was kind of getting behind in school, and he was putting everything before school and trying to save people, and he has since prioritized his life. He’s doing great in school; he’s reading every day; he’s doing a bunch of pull-ups — one-armed pull-ups, by the way!”

And as for Stiles, O’Brien shared that his research is actually evolving into real detective work: “His room has turned into a crime scene [investigation] of sorts. He has boards everywhere and pictures up and things connected. He has this web of information around his walls, kind of. He’s always been the detective, sort of, but now he’s actually becoming like his dad.”

4.) The new Alphas that come to town see Derek as a prime target and plan to infiltrate the inner circle any way they can. For some, this is through straight intimidation, but others take a more “manipulation by seduction” approach. “Some of the folks look at us as threats, and a lot of them find us attractive as the new set of twins in town, so it’s really playing that up. Being both threatening, and as much as one could be, attractive. That’s what we’re there to do,” Charlie Carver, who plays Ethan, said, noting that Ethan is “going after Danny” in a way that is a bit “blurry” as to whether or not any of his feelings are real.

Each one has their own unique, special ability, too. Carver also shared that for twins Ethan and Aiden, the ability is that they’re “super fast when apart” and that when they “fight, it’s very much as one.”

5.) Loss is a huge motivator for many characters in the beginning of the season, including Boyd, who is reeling from the loss of Erica when he comes back to town a changed kid.
“He’s a man scorned, and he’s out for blood,” Sinqua Walls said. “He’s massively in touch with his wolf-like tendencies and still trying to control them and still learning, and now he’s kind of breaking out, not sure of who to trust. He has a tendency now to want to lash out, and there’s no one there to guide him in how to become a good wolf.”

Teen Wolf returns for Season 3 on Monday, June 3 at 10PM on MTV.

@темы: Colton Haynes, Teen Wolf, Tyler Hoechlin, Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, Crystal Reed, Сериальный задрот, Holland Roden, Charlie Carver, Can't wait for season 3



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.


Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

Мне кажется, или Стайлз любуется телом Дерека в каком-нибудь отражении, чтобы не палиться и не свернуть шею. А то с чего бы ему так довольно ухмыляться в конце.

@темы: OTP, Парни, Teen Wolf, Teenage Dream, Сериальный задрот, Стерек, #Stiles such Stiles, #FuckYouMyShipIsCanon

Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

Вот было бы смешно, хахахаха. Я их, конечно, люблю, но хахахаха не могу остановиться.

Как представлю гиперактивных и сумасшедших альфа-близнецов из Ирландии, умираю, хахаха
Сериалу и Стайлза хватает, больше психов не надо

@темы: улыбнуло, Teen Wolf, Сериальный задрот

Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.

Molly Weasley: [looks at Fred, hoping to get him onto platform 9 3/4] Fred, you next
George Weasley: He’s not Fred, I am!
Fred Weasley: Honestly, woman. You call yourself our mother.
Molly Weasley: [to Fred] Oh, I’m sorry, George.
Fred Weasley: [approaches the barrier] I’m only joking, I am Fred! [runs through the barrier]

@темы: Harry Potter, вспомнилось, улыбнуло, Melancholic Trickster, типичные подростки, The Potter Generation, movie



Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.