While many fan groups spend their time kissing life-size 1D posters or trying to figure out what Justin Bieber ate for lunch, the Sterek Campaign is bringing "Teen Wolf" fans together to fight for human and animal rights.
The campaign was originally born to make "Teen Wolf" creator Jeff Davis aware of the growing demand for a legitimate romance between Stiles and Derek -- two of the show’s lead male characters. But the campaign has slowly become a movement, and now -- in addition to breaking mainstream gender stereotypes -- they’ve partnered with Wolf Haven International to save actual wolves! They are hoping to adopt an ENTIRE PACK (43 wolves and 5 wolf dogs) -- the money raised in their campaign will go towards taking care of these wolves in a sanctuary. We recently spoke to Qhuinn, founder of the Sterek Campaign, as well as Kedreeva, second in command of the campaign, to learn more about their campaign and how you can get involved.
How cute are these wolves from Wolf Haven International? London is all up ons Kiawatha. (Erik Wilber)
ACT: Can you speak briefly on the Sterek campaign, and what an on-screen romance between Stiles and Derek would mean for mainstream TV?
The Sterek Campaign was created to show our love and support for "Teen Wolf," its creators, cast and crew. It was founded after Jeff Davis told a fan that if enough fans demanded a Stiles-Derek romance, he could be persuaded. There are a lot of fans waiting to see if Jeff will forge a new path for other producers to take -- one where gender doesn't prohibit the natural chemistry between characters from evolving into a romantic relationship. MTV ACT: Some fan groups are all talk and Tumblr, but you guys are starting a movement! Why do you think your group is so active, and what sets you apart from others? STEREK CAMPAIGN: It's not so much about starting a movement as it is a chance to channel and encourage the activities we enjoy. We create events to keep people invested in the show and in contact with the other fans. Any fan group can do this, but perhaps we have been so successful because we are motivated by our love for "Teen Wolf" and deep respect for the cast and crew that are involved in its creation.
ACT: Why is it so important to save the wolves?
STEREK CAMPAIGN: Wolves do not have their own voice in our society; they depend upon us to reach out for them to ask for help. There are many, many reasons why helping to protect and preserve wolves is important. The two most important reasons are because wolves are a long-standing keystone species in their natural ecosystems and because we, as humans, have caused their endangerment through habitat destruction and hunting. Wolves are often painted as the bad guys, but that's not true at all! As stated on Wolf Haven International's page, wolves "improve the overall health of their prey population by removing the disadvantaged individuals, thereby allowing the healthiest animals to create future generations."
Kiawatha hearts snow! (Wolf Haven International)
ACT: What inspired your partnership with Wolf Haven International, and how can others help out?
STEREK CAMPAIGN: We were first attracted to Wolf Haven International because of their work with species survival plans for both the Mexican grey wolf and the red wolf. We are really excited about the former, as Mexican grey wolves are the most endangered subspecies of wolves and one of the rarest mammals in the world.We were also very excited about the way that WHI educates the public about wolves. They have taken steps to help correct misinformation about wolves and helped many people to see them in a positive light.
ACT: What if someone can’t afford to donate to your campaign. What else can they do to help?
STEREK CAMPAIGN: Learning and spreading positive information about wolves is something everyone can do to help them! Tell a friend, tell a family member, tell a coworker! Get them excited about protecting these beautiful creatures because that is what the wolves need most -- our compassion.
When it comes to the "Teen Wolf" fan base, people can help without donating by offering their creations (fanart, fanfic, crafted items) to our charity auction. All winning bids will be donated to Wolf Haven International.
ACT: How do you think we can inspire more groups of fans or friends to do positive things together?
STEREK CAMPAIGN: It's all in how you speak to us! Fans are often very passionate already, and feeling as if they have someone on the other end ready to ignite that passion is an excellent spark. We think that if more casts and crews had the courage to interact with their fans like "Teen Wolf" does, they would see a similar positive return. We also think that fans and friends should encourage one another to think and act positively.
Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.
интересно, мне одной кажется, что в этой сцене они похожи на пару, совершившую каминг-аут в школе, за что их теперь все ненавидят, но Лидия вся такая смелая и ей наплевать на мнения этих чмошников а Эллисон вообще по-барабану кто и что думает
Well, another day has passed and I didn't use Algebra once.
— Послушай, я не могу выйти за тебя замуж! — Почему? — Эээ… ну, во-первых, я не блондинка! — Это не страшно. — Я много курю! — Это не проблема. — У меня не может быть детей! — Ничего, усыновим. — Я восемь лет прожила с саксофонистом! — Я тебя прощаю. — Господи, я МУЖЧИНА! — У каждого свои недостатки.